How Did Jordi Cussà Die?
Jordi Cussà, a literary proponent of the counterculture, has passed away.
We present to his readers a letter written by Cussà himself regarding his most recent novel, 'The First Emperor and the Moon Queen,' which reveals the secret sides and motivations of the author as a result of this 600-page work.
Death Cause- Natual Causes. (Death Date: 11 July 2021)
Who Was Jordi Cussà?
Jordi Cussà died at the age of sixty, one of the wealthiest literary authors of the 1980s generation, but poorly known despite being praised by critics. He was a playwright, poet, and novelist who also worked as a translator. In the 1980s, he immersed himself in the counterculture, which was distinguished by his drug addiction.
He referred to those years as the "red years." He also wrote literature twice, the first with Cavalls salvages and the second with Formentera Lady. Cavalls salvages were first published by Columna Edicions in 2000, and later by the publishing house L'Alb in 2016, coinciding with Formentera Lady, which was published by the publishing firm Labreu in 2015.
But, rather than categorizing it in this category, it should be emphasized that Jordi Cussà had a lengthy and varied creative career, publishing a dozen books, including the serpent, the sacrificed bishop, the novel of the souls, and the kid of Sarajevo (prize Reader of the Odyssey).
Ens ha deixat en Jordi Cussà. Casualment aquests dies llegeixo la seva traducció de les lletres de Lou Reed. Que alla a on siguin puguin llegir i posar molts discos. A nosaltres ens queden els records i la lectura. Que la terra li sigui lleu.
— Sergi de Diego Mas (@sergisonic) July 12, 2021
Ahir va morir l'escriptor i traductor berguedà Jordi Cussà als 60 anys. La seva última novel·la, "Les muses", es publicarà pròximament
— (@324cat) July 12, 2021
Jordi Cussà, autor de 'Cavalls salvatges', mor als 60 anys
— Joan Sala Torrent 🎗 (@joansalatorrent) July 12, 2021
#JordiCussà a la portada d'@elpuntavui
— Eloi Bellés (@eloibelles) July 12, 2021